Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Robert Stickgold was doing research to find out, how human daytime, waking experiences are incorporated into dreams. Volunteer, Yamara Countinho, settled into bed with device used for monitoring sleep.
Stickgold ask participants to play a video game before going to sleep as he wanted to figure out how human dreams may reflect our waking experiences. 50% of all participants who were awakened at night told that they see video game objects in their dreams. Even some participants with psychological disorders who could not remember their day’s activities – dreamed video game pieces.
Psychologist Daniel Wegner says that when people try not to think about someone before they go to sleep, have more chances to dream about that person. Other researches shows that stuff that people see in their dream is not about what they think but also what they want to remove from their consciousness. Dream researcher Deirdre Barrett thinks that people particularly can solve visual problems by dreaming it. She also points out that many artists creativity was inspired by their dreams.
Research in the University of Chicago showed that student who learned task and went to sleep remembered more next day than students who were tested two hours after learning the task, but have no sleep. A good night rest or some extra hours of sleep will help college students have better quality schoolwork and make them less sleepy. 

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